Hiya, I’m Olivia

I’m a graphic designer that specialises in brand design. My main aim within my work is to instil a sense of pride, excitement and confidence within business owners through authentic, energetic and unique branding.

And my name is Mallie

I come from Macedonia where I lived on the streets, but now I live in a pretty nice house with all the blankets and chew toys I could dream of.

I run all things to do with:

  • Taking breaks

  • Moral support

  • Mischief

  • Waiting until Mum is on a call to bark

Just to name a few of my responsibilities.

What fuels my fire?

I LOVE working with passionate, creative, open minded, business focused individuals in primarily but not exclusively the fitness, beauty and creative industries. I find energy and personality in the tightest corners and extract that to create a brand identity that embodies a business, business owner and the values and goals that they both obtain.

Every business and business owner deserves to feel confident in their creative output and a Canva logo just won’t give you the edge or customisation that your business begs for. I never design ‘just a logo’ I always provide visual systems that my clients to stand out amongst their competitors.

My creative story

Having trained as an A* fine artist at school and college I was urged to try some different practises in my Foundation Art Diploma where I experimented with paper craft, pottery, projection, illustration, fabric manipulation, graphic design and 3D rendering.

I was pretty convinced I was going to get my degree in illustration until I designed a WWF campaign and realised that graphic design could actually have an impact on people’s thoughts, feelings and decisions.

Where it all changed

I packed my bags and moved to university at the Arts University Bournemouth where I graduated with First Class Honours in Graphic Design.

In my first year of uni I was lucky enough to meet some incredible local professionals who allowed me to work with their businesses produces social and print graphics and I then worked full time self employed straight out of uni.

When it all came crashing down again

Unfortunately my flat was put up for sale in the middle of a housing crisis in Bournemouth and so we were forced to make the decision to move back to Lee on Solent in Portsmouth.

I lost all of my work and the foundation I had built for myself so started working at a local design agency, I loved the work but realised I’m not a 9-5 kind of girl.

My raging ADHD and desire to be the best version of myself wasn’t being fulfilled in an agency setting so after 9 months I decided to be true to myself and begin building my freelance career back up again but in Lee on Solent

Since then I’ve worked with a whole host of amazing local creatives, fitness personnel, events companies and met an amazing group of business men and women through networking groups.

what’s in it for me?

OChapmanDesign to me is about building myself a life that I feel passionate and fulfilled by. I thrive on helping others realise their potential and giving them the tools to also build their dream future.